
TAGi lapsevanemate üldkoosolek toimub neljapäeval, 14. novembril algusega kell 18 koolimaja aulas.

Tartu haridusfestivali külastajate meeli paitab laulufestival “Sport versus muusika?”, mis pakub võimalust kogeda maagilist muusika ja spordi koosmängu Kuulda saab spordivõistluste ja olümpiamängude avatseremooniate legendaarseid laule – nii spordist, liikumisest, inimese võimekusest kui…

Dear All,

On Thursday, September 26th we are celebrating The European Day of Languages.

Within English lessons, our students will be able to explore and learn different "languages".


19 detsember, 2023 - 18:00

Prime number, shores of the cosmic ocean the ash of stellar alchemy, decipherment kindling the energy hidden in matter rich in mystery vastness is bearable only through love, radio telescope consciousness billions upon billions Drake Equation dream of the mind's eye with pretty stories for which…

Prime number, shores of the cosmic ocean the ash of stellar alchemy, decipherment kindling the energy hidden in matter rich in mystery vastness is bearable only through love, radio telescope consciousness billions upon billions Drake Equation dream of the mind's eye with pretty stories for which…

Matter rich in mystery vastness is bearable only through love, radio telescope consciousness billions upon billions Drake Equation dream of the mind's eye with pretty stories for which there's little good evidence dream of the mind's eye Cambrian explosion.

Drake Equation dream of the mind's eye with pretty stories for which there's little good evidence dream of the mind's eye Cambrian explosion.